It’s been a tough couple of weeks, what with trying to edit one book- Spider Mouth, while trying to get Murderson ready to put on Kindle. The whole experience of trying to up load my novel to Kindle has been a somewhat painful one. Luckily, I had advice from a fellow writer, Simon Dunn.(check out his website and book- Rotten Apple on Kindle) He’s helped me no end, but it really came down to the struggle with ‘Word’ and the little niggles the whole Microsoft world introduces to anything it touches! Now being a Mac user, I can really look back at my Window days with a  great amount of relief. How I held onto my sanity, I do not know! My flatmate, who had long since moved over into the light of Mac, used to try and fix my windows possessed Laptop, and it would not be long before, bless his rock and roll heart, he would be screaming at the machine. So, using Word again for putting my book on Kindle has helped remove a few more of the hairs from my head.

But now the problems are solved and Murderson should actually look okay when it’s available. My advice to authors wanting to put their work on Kindle, is read everything you can about it, especially from Aaron Shepard. Helpful stuff.

My cover is not completed yet, but Tony promises it will be shortly, so it will give me, and my ever patient girlfriend, a chance to read over my manuscript once more, with a hob nob in one hand a cup of tea in the other. She’s asleep right now, having done nightshifts for the last two days, and probably dreaming of a time when I’m not moaning about my editing etc. I’m sure it’ll be worth it all in the end. I shall be continuing my editing of Spider Mouth and The Trick of Levitation. I really want to get the latter novel up on Kindle, just to prove I’m not a crime obsessed writer, not there’s anything wrong with being a crime/thriller writer. Indeed, it takes a great deal of skill, but I also like to write plain old character driven stories about life and the stuff that happens on the way. Although, having said that, when I put The Trick of Levitation on, another great site for getting your work seen and critiqued, a lot of people took it to be a ‘mystery’. I hadn’t realised it was, but in a way I suppose it is. It’s about a failed TV comedian who’s bestfriend wins 5 million on the lottery, marries his dream woman, and then leaps of a skyscraper in London. Of course, the failed comedian searches for the answer and finds out some terrible truths on the way.

Anyway, I’ll update the progress of Murderson, whether it’s uploaded to Kindle or not, over the weekend. Have a great weekend.


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